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Kittania, Home of the Kittymorphs

Kittania, located near the eastern side of Improbable Island,1) is the home of the KittyMorph population. Generally regarded a lazy, chaotic bunch, the local KittyMorphs have not devoted much time to building or developing the area, hence the 'Outpost' looks more like a collection of fragile shacks to outsiders. Buildings have been known to collapse when touched, and the lack of permanence has led to an Outpost layout where landmarks come and go. As a result, tourism is not a major industry, and the entire area is popular with people seeking a raw, unspoiled wilderness.

Additionally, perhaps because of the KittyMorphs' famous laziness and aversion to any pursuit other than chaotic hedonism, the area has become well known for its devotion to hedonistic pursuits, and it has become a center for the marriage2) and honeymoon industry. Suitors journey from all over the Island to register their marriage proposals at the Bluerock Chapel, and newlyweds are frequently seen strolling arm-in-arm3) through what passes for 'streets' in Kittania.

Major attractions in Kittania include:

  • Joe's Dojo. This training and evaluation center is open to KittyMorphs only.4) Unlike Dojos in other Outposts, the mentors at the Kittania branch have been suffused by the area's notorious laziness and don't work as hard to publicly humiliate the contestants who come for evaluation, nor do they put on the weekly social events common at other Dojos.
  • Maiko's Cookery. KittyMorphs are well-known for their signature fighting styles, but they're also famous for their appreciation of the culinary arts. Former five-star chef and Cooking With Grease television show host Maiko offers lessons in a range of topics, including the popular Carcass Cleaning 101 and a complete curriculum of cooking classes. Contestants who take the time to undergo training at the school usually find themselves better prepared for the rigors of preparing their own food in the Jungle,5) an important skill for keeping stamina levels up in places that don't sell food.
  • Cool Springs Cafe. The Cafe is an important social center in Kittania. While the catnip-infused recipes are an acquired taste, the Cafe provides nourishing dishes that Kittymorphs and other contestants need to keep their stamina up for Jungle fights, and it is particularly noted for its delicious Red drink and hot Cocoa. The Cafe also buys tasty meat that contestants bring in from the local Jungle animals for 12 req per piece, and many recipes feature local game.
  • Kittania Bluerock Chapel. The Chapel is famed Island-wide as the most beautiful place for proposing marriage6) and holding wedding ceremonies. The entire structure is build from the local bluerock, a rare and precious stone quarried nowhere else in the world. To cater to every possible whim, the staff has developed the means to satisfy the most extravagant requests, whether providing the wedding ring to please any bride7), to delivering the wedding proposal by trained dove, to conducting the ceremony itself. The staff can accommodate just about any bridal request, from the most simple civil ceremony to the most extravagant Elvis-themed feast.
  • The Sunny Spot. The third best pub on Improbable Island. In it, Contestants can gamble on a machine called “Mouse Racing”. They can also buy drinks from the bartender, Miu-Miu. She sells Vegetable cider for 25 Req and Tiger Balm for 40.
  • The Wizard's Sleeve. Placeholder text about acquiring stones, which should definitely link to the gameplay guide and to the item page for stones.
  • Cat-a-pult. Placeholder text about easy transport for minimal cost. Add cost. Add Monthly Memento mention if relevant.
  • A Gigantic Furball These are the residents, please stop poking the Gigantic Furball in the middle of the Outpost. If the sentient fuzzball is in your way, either go around it, gently roll it out of the way, or coerce into moving with a ball of twine.

Overall, Kittania is an acquired taste. Luxuries and modern conveniences are few, and the area likely appeals mostly to those who love rustic living in a semi-developed forest setting. Most residents appear to sleep elsewhere8), so expect little development in the way of local shacks and housing.

(Looking for the Season 1 Kittania entry? Click here.)

1) , 5)
create: love
The poor sods.
The Kittania office is carefully hidden, so that no other races can find it. Of course, since most of Kittania's 'buildings' are unmarked shacks, even KittyMorphs have trouble finding it.
link love
Except maybe a Bridezilla; but this elusive species, most commonly seen on reality TV, CREATE, is seldom sighted in the Island.
or just pile up
places/outpost/kittania.1700684767.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/22 20:26 by kuhsodas