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The Narrator

Age: Unknown
Pronouns: They/them
Species: Unknown
Previous Occupations: Unknown
Current Occupations: Narrator (unpaid)

The Narrator is an unknown figure who is always wearing an Invisisuit, hiding their true features.

Mainland Life

“Here we see the Islander in their typical habitat…”


Island Life

The Narrator is a mysterious figure, although this has more to due with his Invisisuit than anything else. He seems to get his jollies from narrating the ongoing daily events of the Island, whether anyone else particularly wants him to or not.


Tragically, the Narrator's player can't draw, nor does she know people who are interested in drawing a picture. Maybe someday she'll doll up a Sims construct and take some pretty pretty pictures.

Out of Character

The person responsible for the Narrator is also responsible for Katarina Walker and Grim Larry.

characters/player/narrator.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/22 01:09 by lucky_katydid