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John Keel (nicknamed “Even” in some circles) was a writer and journalist in the 20th Century. He specialized in cryptozoology, legends of mysticism and the macabre, ufology, and magic, achieving a degree of notoriety among aficionados of the lore.

His career in decline, he went missing in the early decade of the 21st Century. The official story is that he passed away quietly of natural causes. A few who knew him give a different account: that one day he simply went missing and was not heard from again — until he showed up one day outside the gates of NewHome, looking decades younger than when he had been last seen on the mainland, and memories of his experiences in the intervening decades a hopeless jumble.

Like any rookie to the Island, he drifted for a while, in equal parts dumbfounded and strangely at home in this outlandish new environment he suddenly found himself in. It slowly began to dawn on him that he had stumbled into (or been tossed into) a place teeming with strange adventures, and even stranger creatures — in short the perfect place for him to write about.

It was about this time that he met a young woman named Gamina. While attempting to interview her for the book he was slowly compiling, she offered him residence in an abandoned houseboat that she had discovered and appropriated. He now refers to her as his “landlady”.

He now has a quiet retreat to do his writing, and divides his time between traveling around the Island poking his nose into other people's business, and his typewriter at the houseboat.


OOC Note: This narrator is responsible for the characters:

  • Gamina Wulfsdottir
  • John “Even” Keel
  • Sweepy Thyme
  • Someone
  • Whom It May Concern
  • Gi Normus
  • Will O' Wisp
  • and Tanya Hyde, squat manager of Tanner's Skinnery
characters/player/john_even_keel.1700803743.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/24 05:29 by gamina