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A Rock Formation in the Trees

Location: E6 (In the woods near the western beach)
In Brief: This rock formation in the woods near the beach looks maybe a little too regular to be entirely natural.
Owner(s): WolphStrykes, Gamina, and Gi Normus
NPCs or Staff? None, though Gi Normus makes regular appearances here.
Features: Programmed events/vignettes; a puzzle to solve.
Memento(s)? Yes
Beds: No

Description: A rock formation that, upon closer examination, proves to be a truncated three-sided pyramid. While the visitor watches, a vignette plays out that links this place with 12 others scattered at regular intervals around the Island, which, taken together, reveals a pattern and the place's backstory as well as that of Gi Normus.

places/player/rock_formation_in_trees.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/02 08:19 by gamina