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A Clearing in the Woods

Location: N31 (In the woods east of AceHigh)
In Brief: You've come upon a clearing in the forest. It's round and clear of trees and brush. A bit too round and clear of brush to be natural. It's as if someone has tried to simulate a natural clearing, but done too good a job of it.
NPCs: None; self-guided
Features: A mystery
Memento(s)? Maybe
Beds: No

Description: This perfectly round clearing in the dark forest has a slight depression in the center of it, and a stone at the center of the depression. Strange things happen when you pick up the stone.

**Connections with other places:* This place shows hints connecting it to other sites around the Island. The hints shed light on the history of a mysterious former inhabitant of the Island.

places/player/clearing_woods.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/04 07:28 by gamina