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Walker Enterprises: R - Roof Access

You find yourself on the roof of Walker Enterprises, which is surprisingly windy despite the island weather below.

A series of four ball-turret-mounted 88mm cannons on the corners of the roof are set up to discourage visitors; though one wonders who this is intended to be used on considering most island monsters don't fly this high, a careful look reveals that the cannons can be aimed at the area outside the base level of the tower if necessary to clear out a probable monster incursion, a swarm of ninjas, or a zombie recruitment drive.

A complicated machine sits up here with various antennae pointing down at the land below; it seems to be some sort of monitoring device. Every now and then it makes a clicking noise as it measures … who knows what without taking a closer look?

A more prominent antenna is in the center of the roof, carrying a number of wires that culminate in a radar dish on top. It's probably not a good idea to climb this device in a thunderstorm. Or ever, really.

Four irregularly shaped banks of solar panels occupy much of the remaining space on the roof, feeding power to a battery stored within the ball turrets, charging them up for service as long as the sky is clear.

There is a pad on the edge of the roof where one can leap off, and through the powers of Improbable Gravity, not splatter on the ground forty feet below. In fact, the markings on the pad seem to suggest using a hand glider to launch off from this point; a pity that someone else has presumably taken the one that would be up here.

In one corner of the roof, there is a small freestanding structure with a lightning rod on top that looks vaguely like a shrine. How novel.

Weapon Systems

These ball-turret series of four 88mm cannons each swivel, idly pointing at various flying targets down below; though one wonders who this is intended to be used on considering most island monsters don't fly this high, a careful look reveals that the cannons can be aimed at the area outside the base level of the tower if necessary to clear out a probable monster incursion, a swarm of ninjas, or a zombie recruitment drive.

Monitoring System

On close examination, this seems to be a combination of various weather instruments, and what looks like a Hawton Meter mostly covered in heat sinks with a hopper of dice on the top and a release mechanism on the side for launching something out of.

Radar Dish

This antenna and radar dish assembly seems to be extendible, and seems to be some sort of transmitter. One wonders who it's meant to contact.

Solar Panels

Four irregularly shaped banks of solar panels occupy much of the remaining space on the roof, feeding power to a battery stored within the ball turrets, charging them up for service as long as the sky is clear. A heavy-duty Improbability-Fueled Generator also sits on the roof, cut off from the power mains through a physically-separated three foot section of wire, ready to be connected in case of emergency. Here on the Island, that may not be long away.

Launch Pad

There is a pad on the edge of the roof where one can leap off, and through the powers of Improbable Gravity, not splatter on the ground forty feet below. In fact, the markings on the pad seem to suggest using a hand glider to launch off from this point; a pity that someone else has presumably taken the one that would be up here.

Mysterious Shrine

This shrine looks like a perfect place for meditation, with the inside insulated by a heavy rubber pad and the outside protected by a chainmail curtain and a lightning rod on top. It probably wouldn't be wise to enter or exit this shrine during a storm.


places/player/walker_enterprises/r-roof_access.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/23 15:18 by lucky_katydid