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Walker Enterprises: 2F2 - Processing Area

This area contains several very large machines that are connected to other rooms via elaborate piping systems. It's difficult to tell what they do, but someone has thoughtfully provided occupational safety and health documentation for each machine that hopefully will explain what it is they do.

Occupational Health and Safety: Resource Container

Your eyes glaze over the longwinded cautionary advice on opening the machine without shutting it down for maintenance first, and find the important pages: “The Resource Container is designed to store a theoretically unlimited supply of any discrete resource by converting it into an energy pattern which can be regenerated on demand. Unfortunately, this only extends to regenerating the amount of resources put in, rather than allowing infinite copies of all materials. Improvements will attempt to address this issue, but may require a Multi Shot Teleporter to successfully replicate without destroying the original.”

Occupational Health and Safety: Assembler

You quickly look for the important pages:

“This assembles individual resources such as circuits back into circuitboards that can be passed on to the Assembly Line, thus expediting construction of items if a component pattern is already known.”

Undecorated Area

This section is incomplete.


places/player/walker_enterprises/2f2-processing_area.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/23 01:43 by lucky_katydid