It is a new day!
Another day, another wiki article. This is page number 127.
Your stamina has been refilled.
Today's interest rate is– er, sorry. Force of habit.
Improbable Island is inefficient in all things except days of the week. While it takes the rest of the world 24 hours to rotate once around its axis, the Island knows those are rookie numbers and gets that shit done in a sixth of the time. Expect a New Day to occur every four hours of real time. If you're playing on desktop, you can see a countdown until the next day starts in the top-right of your screen.
Some items, like Chronospheres or Shiny New Calendars, can be used to launch yourself into the next day immediately. Keep in mind this doesn't change the trajectory of the planet's turn - scheduled New Days will always happen at the same intervals. Make sure you check how much time's left in the current day before you time travel!
Seeing dawn break will always refresh your stamina, even if you're an insomniac, or logged on halfway through the day, or just got too caught up in writing that memento to sleep. By default it resets it to 100%, but other factors can make that number go up or way down:
- Where you slept, and with who.1)
New days also make a bunch of other shit happen all at once, including:
- Your bank account will generate interest.
- Meat spoiling. Any uncooked meat left in your pack will run off to frolic in the jungle.
- Rabbits multiplying.
- The Improbability Drive nicking off to a new hiding spot.
- NPCs that told you to “come back tomorrow” will actually be willing to talk to you again.
…And so on and so forth. Basically, anything that would logically happen after a day passes will happen.