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Mighty Magpie

Scientific name: Gymnorhina ginormous
Encounter level: When you want it the least
Special abilities: Going for the jugular. Interacts with jewelry… somehow.
Drops: No meat, all EXP.

And you thought lions were sneaky bastards.

The Mighty Magpie is a boss monster added during Season 1. Wielding a sharp beak and a reckless disregard for standard jungle etiquette, the Magpie sneaks up on unsuspecting contestants and violently separates them from their shinies. Unlike its weird business associate the Tattoo Mutant, the Magpie doesn't give you the dignity of running away. It's victory or death.

True to its name, the Mighty Magpie is a tougher opponent than most. Its stats will always scale to be higher than your own, and it doesn't have weak points that can be targeted via Puzzle Combat. Use grenades, implants, or timed hits to your advantage. If you're successful you'll be rewarded with a frankly ridiculous amount of EXP - usually enough to gain a level and a half. If you're not… expect a trip to the Failboat.

The Mighty Magpie is either harmed by or attracted to the Jewellery found in Improbable Central, but no one can remember which while editing this wiki page.1). Look for the bird in the jungle near Kittania, Improbable Central and NewHome.

I yoinked this entry off the 2016 version of the enquirer. It is now seven years later and I still haven't got a clear answer from banter.
characters/monster/magpie.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/26 12:29 by clarissadunst