This room appears to be a display room for various things designed by Walker Enterprises, including pamphlets with somewhat detailed descriptions of the assorted contraptions on display. The larger contraptions are displayed in scale form so as not to fill the room.
D.A.R.A. 3.1 Digital Augmented Reality Assessment Glasses: Gives access to most HUD controls as well as some basic analytics software. The culmination of many cycles of work and programming. Has a micro-camera in the frame, as well as long-distance communication hardware that connects to Walker Enterprise systems.
P.A.T.I. 0.9 Personal Analog Terminal Interface: A basic computer terminal built to handle Post-Improbability hardware, used by our very own workers!
Memory Recorder 1.13: A device that analyzes the brain patterns of the individual and records all data found, including data blocked from access such as that hidden behind amnesia or similar barriers. Has a nonvolitional AI assistant to catalog the memories in preparation for use by the Memory Writer. Warning: Not yet tested on non-primate-related animals.
Memory Writer 1.12: Writes data recorded from a previous Memory Recorder session into a matching individual's hippocampus, strengthening existing memories and adding memories previously erased. Warning: Not yet tested on non-primate-related animals.
Made from repurposed Gold Farmer Bots, these helper droids have arms and hover around on standard contragrav impellers, with inertial dampeners reducing their effective mass and damage from impacts. A Faraday cage protects most of their internal components, allowing them to remain operational in areas of high EMP or IP disruption.
These high-AI droids use components salvaged from military hardware slaved to a GrimBot chassis. Current experimental data indicates that GrimBots can participate in Island rites of combat as effectively as any human or better, with sufficient data gathered. Primary mode of combat is with combat chainsaw, with null-energy cannon as a backup.
This peculiar device operates by creating and propelling a projectile that collapses energy upon itself in a manner similar to how a black hole collapses matter; this is severely damaging to anything vulnerable to Improbability shifts, EMP, or just having a ball of white hot plasma tear through them. This replica is nonfunctional; we will be providing a video demonstration of its effects later.
This small replica of the building points out several key structural features, including a full Faraday grounding except in controlled lines used for power; air and ground defenses; drone launch points; and thick outer walls.