Table of Contents

The Inanimate Bookless Library

Coordinates: N32 (North-East of AceHigh)
In brief: Ruined building that brings words to life. Now lends everything but books.

Owner(s): Clarissa Dunst
Current Staff: Clarissa Dunst (Librarian), Haas (“Assistant”/Chronic Complainer)
Features: Multiple rooms, story prompt generator
Beds: No
Books: Also no

Story Hooks

Feral businesses are everywhere in the jungle. Coffee shops tend to roam in packs, while carnivorous bookstores are more solitary predators. Chances are you've fought at least a couple of buildings in your time here and won - and you'd be far from the only contestant to do so.

The current residents of the Bookless Library aren't sure if it was ever alive. It had long stopped moving by the time they bought the lot off Susie, and a massive tree has since grown over the top of it. But if the building can be considered “dead”, it's no wonder the staff also consider it “haunted”. A lot of strange things happen there.

Text is not permitted to be brought into the Library. This includes books, but also letters, diaries, signage, receipts, and especially scripts. Because whenever words spend too long inside the building, they become alive.

The exact nature of how words become alive is up to the people storying there. Perhaps a book gains fur and little legs and a taste for blood, skittering around like a feral animal. Perhaps those letters you had in your bag create a ghostly duplicate of the person who sent them to you. Perhaps the book remains a book, but compels you to sit, to keep reading it, to never ever leave. It can be benign. It can be hostile. Whatever it is, it's always personal - and very, very weird to deal with.

On the rare occasions people listen to the rules, causing the library to obey the laws of physics for a bloody change, the staff are happy to loan Contestants any random knick-knacks, tools, or weapons of jungle destruction they may need to get through the day. They're always in need of donations, as well as people to test that the donations aren't going to explode on a borrower and get them sued.

Solo Hooks

Ever a work-in-progress, most planned features of the Library have yet to be implemented. Currently available spaces include:

Guests may find the Library's mood changes over time. Keep an eye on the weather - odd things happen when it rains, but not all of them are bad.

The Library sinks into an especially ominous mood around Halloween. Drop on by for Trick-or-Treating - or a good old scare.

You can pick up items, too, but they don't do anything. …For now.