Message of the Day

Hear ye, hear ye.

The Message of the Day (MotD) is the not-entirely-accurately-named newsletter for the Island, barging onto your screen each time you log in, and again at the start of each New Day. If you click too fast and ever want to reread the latest message, you can access the backlog of old messages by clicking link in the top left of the game screen.

The MotD has been running since the very beginning of the Island, though its purpose has zigzagged over the years. Back in the days of the Pilot, The Watcher would occasionally hijack the daily news to announce new features, pose competitions, or otherwise speak directly to players. These days it's entirely out-of-character, and the most efficient way to see what's up with the Island's development.

While we could crosspost every single MotD to this wiki in the name of historical completionism, we're not going to. That would be a lot of really boring work. If you're currently logged in you can just click here instead.