
A concept discredited through the incredibly careful research of a certain Joseph Hawton through his examinations1) of Chance, now measurable in his eponymous Hawtons. Luck is a fictitious 2)3) ability enabling you to reap more positive improbable results.4) Contrast bad luck.5)

should be a gameplay:lore link! don't know what to call it yet though
the total and complete truth
   "One in a Million chances turn up nine times out of ten."
                       -Fred Colon
The problem with this, of course, is that since the odds can be easily affected by anything when it's that unlikely, attempting to actually get million-to-one odds usually results in something more like 994,398-to-1 odds and a messy death.

On the Island, million-to-one odds turn up on a daily basis—like Cake and Death.
The only kind of luck there ever is: because if it's not bad luck for you, it's bad luck for someone else.