Are a class.
To be frank, Mutants are one of the Island's ugliest populations. Improbability1) has warped their bodily structure until they are barely recognizable as former Humans.
Mutant culture has not produced much of note except poetry2). However, no one has yet sat through an entire poetry recital without needing hospitalization for attempting to eat their own ears, so records of even this are scarce. The population's home city, Pleasantville, is characterized by an absence of reflective surfaces because this population avoids mirrors and anything else that would remind them of their deformed features. They are accustomed to being looked down upon by other, more looks-conscious populations.3)4)
Physically, Mutants have several natural advantages and several limitations:
If life on the Island is the basis of a reality TV programme, the Mutants' role is more of a horror show. While not as openly despised as the foul-tempered Squats population, few groups go out of their way to ally themselves with Mutants, mostly because no one can stand their hideous appearance and the excruciatingly gloomy poems they love to make and share to others.5) Mutants make successful contestants6) because of their physical advantages, but they get less screen time with the Watcher than more attractive populations such as the Kittymorphs and Jokers.