======Walker Enterprises: 2F5 - Hazmat Processing====== This room has oddly soothing vacuum pulses emanating from the walls and ceiling. A machine that looks like a smelter is in the center of the room, with clear hazard signs stationed around it, as well as a lock-out that prevents the machine from being used without the proper key. As elsewhere, there is a technical manual that explains the function of the machine. ====Occupational Health and Safety: Hazmat Processing==== The warning here is simple: this room processes highly toxic, Improbable, or radioactive materials. As such the core won't open unless you can get hold of a level IV protective suit. The meters on each device show roughly how close they are to exploding at any given moment. Shutting down the Recyclotron also requires shutting down this room to prevent toxin leaks; apparently you pull the emergency lever in this room to shut down the power plants in the next room and thus cause the system to grind to a halt. ====Tour==== * [[places:player:walker_enterprises:2f1-2f_hallway|2F Hallway]]