===== Tea ===== An [[meta:concepts:nothing|object]] [[meta:concepts:lie|available]] for buying and selling at [[places:outpost:building:eboys|eBoy's]]. It is one of the three goods available to sell for [[items:cig|cigarettes]].((The other 2 are [[meta:items:coffee]] and [[meta:items:sugar]].)) If you do not sell tea for a long time, you will have your tea and [[items:req|requisition]] stolen by Thieving Squat Bastards.((create?))((So sell your tea, or the [[gameplay:classes:squats|Squats]] will come for you!))((Or drink it, that's the other alternative. A nice cup of tea and a sit down, that's what you need...)) Also a vital part of [[gameplay:lore:tea|having tea]] with one of the Island's most well-known [[gameplay:lore:idrive|hosts]]. [[gameplay:lore:horatio|He]] really likes his tea.