\\ \\ ''IINET1.3 for IINet\\ \\ Initializing EP comlink\\ Starting brasrig\\ \\ %%I:\CDB>_%%\\ %%I:\CDB>callp sessine%%\\ \\ Retrieving contestant profile for SESSINE %%[6882]...%%\\ \\ **WARNING! ACCESS RESTRICTED TO EX-1 CLASS PERSONNEL.**\\ \\ ENTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER AND %%PIN%% TO CONTINUE%%...%%\\ \\ %%>%% **ID**: %%*****%%\\ \\ ENTER %%PIN%%.\\ \\ %%>%% **%%PIN%%**: %%***************%%\\ \\ INCORRECT %%PIN%%! RETRY Y/N?\\ \\ %%>%% y\\ \\ ENTER %%PIN%%.\\ \\ %%>%% **%%PIN%%**: %%***************%%\\ \\ INCORRECT %%PIN%%! ACCESS DENIED.\\ \\ CONNECTION WILL TERMINATE IN 3%%... ^Z%%\\ \\ **CORRECT RESPONSE SEQUENCE ENTERED**\\ \\ **ACCESS PERMITTED - WARNING! FILE IS INCOMPLETE**\\ %%--%%\\ ''\\ ====COUNT SESSINE=== It is known that ''Count Sessine''((aka ''Alandre Jeovanx''.))((''Sessine'' is, he says, a title.)) was not recruited via the normal Network Recruitment Procedure. There have been suggestions that he was drawn in by Improbability from another time and place entirely.((This claim is of course made by many, perhaps most, of the Island's non-standard contestants.))((In his case, it may actually be true.))((Or not.))((But if not, he has been remarkably consistent in maintaining the claim when asked, throughout a long period of Island residence.)) If so, he may or may not have originated in this timeline.((If not this exact timeline, it appears to have been very similar to this one.)) It is alleged that he is from very, very far in the future, possibly the furthest of any of the Island's inhabitants. ((Efforts to obtain independent verification of this assertion have been fruitless.)) ===Pre-Island History=== Some disturbing indications of the nature of this contestant's pre-Island existence have been gathered from the unusual((Even for the Island.)) events recorded in ''File: [[gameplay:story:consequences|Consequences]]''. ''**%%**%%UNEXPECTED FILE TERMINATION. PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER.%%**%%**''