==== Magic ==== Any super-lame way of doing things that has not yet been codified into being a [[meta:concepts:science|science]]. Every form of knowledge one is too lazy to investigate is magic. Magic is not to be confused with [[meta:concepts:chaos|chaos]] or [[gameplay:concepts:improbability|improbability]]. Magic is bound by rules, even if these are often poorly understood and can be shored up by a 'theory' of how actions work and why they do what they do, whereas chaos, and improbability apparently cannot.((One aspect of improbability, however, //is// predictable: The [[gameplay:lore:idrive|Improbability Drive]] will kick your ass.)) ((So will Paul Daniels if you keep dissing magic.)) Plus, magic is blue, chaos is the reddish-black of dimming coals, and Improbability is green. Duh. Some people have been known to use magic, but they are no longer listed here.