==== Chaos ==== This [[https://wiki.improbableisland.com/doku.php?id=start|Wiki of Lies]] pretty much IS chaos. Also see [[gameplay:concepts:improbability|Improbability]].((Or just go [[meta:beings:moose|here]].))((Or go [[meta:concepts:there]].)) The Goddess of Chaos ((Not to be confused with Agent 99, the Goddess of KAOS.)) is called [[meta:beings:eris|Eris]]. She is a whole lot of fun as long as you remember to invite her to weddings and parties and such. Snubbing her is very very bad. There is a small splinter sect of Neo-Hellenic Pagan Midgets who believe that [[characters:npc:doktorimprobable|Doktor Improbable]] was, in fact, [[meta:beings:eris|Eris]] in disguise. But that's just plain silly. ((Sillier than the usual things that happen around here, we should clarify.))