======Katie's Wishlist====== A list of requests for bug fixes, improvements, or new features in somewhat particular order. In most cases, these are here because they aren't quite irritating enough to toss into the Petition (in the case of bug fixes), or don't belong there. ====Bug Fixes==== * All bug fixes reported. ====Improvements==== * Weapons and armor with non-flat modifiers (+15 instead of +10, for example) * Building Jobs update to tell you details about the job you're doing (example, if you're creating a new room, show what the name of that new room will be, or if you're decorating an Undecorated Area, explain what the new name will be, so you can prioritize more easily.) ====New Features==== * Q)uit from more locations (particularly from the map, since the plan is to eliminate the Jungle.) * Jungle Banker accessible on map as a random encounter? * Allow Discarded items to appear on world map / allow more items to be dropped on world map. * Solving the 1000-Crates/Logs/Rocks-in-Inventory-All-The-Time Problem: Random chance of dropping a random crate, log, or rock on New Day if overloaded after new-day removal of Meat/Toolbox (This would not entirely annihilate an inventory of crates/rocks/logs but would gradually chip away at it, and would also mean others could find supplies on the map.) * Solving the Too Many/Few Crates on Map Problem: Set supporter crates on map during bluescreen times, to a limit of X (if X crates are already on map, don't drop crates/drop crates up to limit of X)