====== Lion ====== **Scientific name:** //Panthera leo//\\ **Encounter level:** Yes.\\ **Special abilities:** Excellent taste\\ **Drops:** Your guard ---- **Not to be confused with Ashtu's many lions.**((Or Lyrons. Can't forget about those.))((Oh, just read between the lions!))((Ashtu doesn't have any lions.))((He has cats dressed up as lions.))((They are not Sneaky Bastards, they are [[lordbuckethead:falsebastards|False Bastards]].)) \\ \\ [[https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/06/Rambutans_by_Muhammad_Mahdi_Karim.jpg/480px-Rambutans_by_Muhammad_Mahdi_Karim.jpg|Lions]] are known for their intelligence, playfulness, and noisy barking. Their color ranges from chocolate brown in males to a lighter, golden brown in females. [[https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/Aubergine.jpg|Males]] reach 850 pounds (390 kg) and seven feet (2.1 m) in length. Females grow to 220 pounds (110 kg) and up to six feet (1.8 m) in length. They have a "dog-like" face, and at around five years of age, males develop a bony bump on top of their skull called a sagittal crest. The top of a male's head often gets lighter in color with age. \\ \\ A shy and retiring [[gameplay:concepts:monster|creature]]. It is extremely rare to encounter a lion in the jungle. Any supposed [[meta:concepts:sneaky|sighting]] was probably just a figment of your imagination.((Like that three headed monkey you thought you saw earlier)) ((That's just Jeff. He, unlike a lion, is actually pretty dangerous. All those teeth.))((At least Jeff isn't a lover of karaoke like our resident island Lion.))((Lions love karaoke?!))It is certainly impossible to kill it.((Or maybe make it known how much of a pushover this lion really is.)) It is also a vegetarian. ((And enjoys charity work.))((I must say, I really have to love this gentle feline.))((Lions are fiercely committed to several causes, including animal rights and women's suffrage.)) \\ \\ Lions are likewise known to love karaoke.((Just like it is also known that Lions love to be friends.)) Anyone who loves karaoke, is of course, a personage of discerning taste in South Korea.((The majestic prides of Korean Lions racing across the Gangnam province in pursuit of their favorite 20 oz. kill are a majestic, but endangered breed, ever since their hides became prized for their stylishness.)) \\ \\ Curious contestants have asked, but have yet to know; There are gentlemanly Lions((These Lions take it to the breaking though. They add unflappable [[gameplay:guides:how_to_win_friends_and_influence|good manners]] on top of the friendliness. Truly delightful.)), yes. We all know this. But where are the Ladylike Lionesses?((One popular theory is that being the hunters of the species, lionesses remain //most// efficient in their skill, and have simply hired the island's moose to do their dirty work for them.)) Researchers continue to hotly debate this topic to this day.((Arguing in pubs is so much less //dangerous// than going out into the //jungle//, after all.)) They have been sighted at all levels 15 and below.((Oh, God of fruitcake. There are Level 1 Lions? Beware. Beware.)) ((Of course. Newbie Lions.))((Just never go below level one- the basement lion is a beast best left undisturbed.))((And don't even //mention// the Parking Lion!))((Wait! You just mentioned him!))((Don't be silly. It's not like Bloody Mary, or Hairy Mary, or anything.))(([[gameplay:guides:places:placestart|Hairy Mary?]]))((Yes, Hairy Mary-//OH SHI-//)) ((Oh, fine. For the **truth** about our lions go [[characters:monster:lions|here]]. Mind the Spoilers!))