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items:cig [2023/11/24 17:50] – created kuhsodasitems:cig [2023/11/24 21:07] (current) kuhsodas
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-Filthy hobbitses! You have reached placeholder.+===Cigarettes=== 
 +Small paper tubes filled with shredded newsprint and occasionally tobacco.  Smoking them causes [[lordbuckethead:you|you]] to become 30% cooler and fills you with the power of lung cancer. 
 +If you're really lucky, you might find cigarettes after fights, or in certain [[gameplay:concepts:improbableevent|improbable events]], or occasionally after sacrificing your [[gameplay:concepts:charm]] to the kissing booth or abusing Doktor Improbable disguised as piñata. Fighting on a higher rank gives you more cigarettes. 
 +Much like in prison, cigarettes are a vital currency to the Island. Some shopkeepers are so addicted to cigarettes, they only accept payment in cigs. These shopkeepers sell things such as [[places:outpost:building:mikeschopshop|Mounts]], Backpacks, Bandoleers, Jewelry, Tattoos, and even [[gameplay:guides:places:placei|Place]] related [[gameplay:guides:dkpersist|stuff]] such as stakes, toolboxes and furniture. You can also gamble with them in the [[places:outpost:building:psk|Prancing Spiderkitty]].
items/cig.1700848223.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/24 17:50 by kuhsodas