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gameplay:concepts:stamina [2023/12/04 22:57] – created kuhsodasgameplay:concepts:stamina [2024/10/23 12:21] (current) – Added link to restaraunts bingus
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 Almost every action in the [[places:jungle|jungles]] and while [[gameplay:concepts:travel|traveling]]((Except by submarine)) or [[gameplay:classes:batman|flying]] will cost you stamina. If your stamina goes too low, you will d<del>rop of exhaustion and be thrashed to [[gameplay:concepts:death|death]] by [[gameplay:concepts:monster|butterflies]] or [[characters:monster:lion|feathers]] or Conservative Party advocates. This is most embarrassing</del> be trim and fit for exercising well. Alternatively, if your stamina goes too high, your circulatory system will become so hyperactive that you will collapse in a fit of twitches. But there is a small [[gameplay:lore:luck|possibility]] that you will begin to levitate from the pure energy, and will suddenly find yourself on a completely different part of the Island. Almost every action in the [[places:jungle|jungles]] and while [[gameplay:concepts:travel|traveling]]((Except by submarine)) or [[gameplay:classes:batman|flying]] will cost you stamina. If your stamina goes too low, you will d<del>rop of exhaustion and be thrashed to [[gameplay:concepts:death|death]] by [[gameplay:concepts:monster|butterflies]] or [[characters:monster:lion|feathers]] or Conservative Party advocates. This is most embarrassing</del> be trim and fit for exercising well. Alternatively, if your stamina goes too high, your circulatory system will become so hyperactive that you will collapse in a fit of twitches. But there is a small [[gameplay:lore:luck|possibility]] that you will begin to levitate from the pure energy, and will suddenly find yourself on a completely different part of the Island.
-Stamina is acquired by eating.((And lost in the local [[places:outpost:squathole|port-a-potty]])) There are several ways to eat. You can go and buy meals in restaurants throughout the island. You can clean and cook your [[gameplay:concepts:monster|kill]] while you're in the jungle or while you're travelling. You can also buy Rocket brand energy drinks in [[places:outpost:building:eboys|eBoy's Trading Post]]. (Be sure to drink them after you've bought them.)((Or alternatively light the fuse and fire the ROCKET CANS into space for a lark. This gives you 3x the energy.))+Stamina is acquired by eating.((And lost in the local [[places:outpost:squathole|port-a-potty]])) There are several ways to eat. You can go and buy meals in [[places:outpost:restaurants]] throughout the island. You can clean and cook your [[gameplay:concepts:monster|kill]] while you're in the jungle or while you're travelling. You can also buy Rocket brand energy drinks in [[places:outpost:building:eboys|eBoy's Trading Post]]. (Be sure to drink them after you've bought them.)((Or alternatively light the fuse and fire the ROCKET CANS into space for a lark. This gives you 3x the energy.))
 Each day you start off with 100% stamina, but if you've been packing on the cheeseburgers in [[places:outpost:newhome|NewHome]], you might get fat and lose stamina. If you've been eating [[meta:concepts:nothing|nothing]] but ration packs, you might get too skinny and lose stamina. If you've been eating nothing but [[items:food:the_cake|brains]], you're probably a [[gameplay:classes:zombies|Zombie]]. If you've been eating healthy, and are trim and fit, you'll gain stamina for the day. If you've been sleeping well((Try squatting in one of the guest houses, for instance.)) you'll gain stamina. Oh, and if you've been donating diligently along with the rest of the flock, you'll gain boatloads of stamina if Extended Play gets activated.((Actually, it doesn't matter if you've donated or not, everyone gets the bonus. But CMJ could use the money, y'know.))((Also, not donating means we'll send the [[characters:monster:lion | Tax Collector]] by.))  Each day you start off with 100% stamina, but if you've been packing on the cheeseburgers in [[places:outpost:newhome|NewHome]], you might get fat and lose stamina. If you've been eating [[meta:concepts:nothing|nothing]] but ration packs, you might get too skinny and lose stamina. If you've been eating nothing but [[items:food:the_cake|brains]], you're probably a [[gameplay:classes:zombies|Zombie]]. If you've been eating healthy, and are trim and fit, you'll gain stamina for the day. If you've been sleeping well((Try squatting in one of the guest houses, for instance.)) you'll gain stamina. Oh, and if you've been donating diligently along with the rest of the flock, you'll gain boatloads of stamina if Extended Play gets activated.((Actually, it doesn't matter if you've donated or not, everyone gets the bonus. But CMJ could use the money, y'know.))((Also, not donating means we'll send the [[characters:monster:lion | Tax Collector]] by.)) 
 [[gameplay:concepts:weapons|Some]] [[gameplay:concepts:armor|items]] at [[places:outpost:building:sheilasshack|Sheila's]] may help you get additional stamina. [[gameplay:concepts:weapons|Some]] [[gameplay:concepts:armor|items]] at [[places:outpost:building:sheilasshack|Sheila's]] may help you get additional stamina.
gameplay/concepts/stamina.1701730624.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/04 22:57 by kuhsodas